Pokemon GO Dataminers, 'PokeMiners' Unveil Furret Walk, Z-Moves, and More
By Jack O'Dwyer

A new post on the Pokemon GO datamining website, PokeMiners, has revealed several events and features that could find their way into Pokemon GO.
The post was published on April 21 and included not only a list of highlights, but actual snippets of code from within the game, itself. Of these, a handful have already made headlines as announced events or mechanics. There are some new entries, however, including the existence of Z-Moves, a weekly exploration challenge, six-hour Lures, and more.
Here's what you need to know about the data dump.
From Maine to Florida, Trainers on the East Coast definitely showed up today for #PokemonGOCommunityDay! pic.twitter.com/P6jCaza10w
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) April 23, 2022
PokeMiners Unveil Events and Features Coming to Pokemon GO
The first entry is a "Weekly Exploration Challenge" identified as "furret_walk." This is likely a reference to the one-hour Furret Walk video that became something of a meme in the community in early 2019. Its flavor text tasks trainers to "walk around the World," which likely means this will be a global event or challenge.
The next is the reveal of a timed research event known only as "Old Friends, New Beginnings." Its bonuses are as follows:
- 2x Buddy Hearts
- Special Field Research available at select POIs
- 3x XP from first daily Gym or Pokéstop spin
- 6-Hour Lure Modules
There is no data on its theme, however — though some have taken it to mean trainers may be introduced to more regional variants or place previous generation starter Pokemon centerstage. It also looks to be tied to the Buddy system, meaning trainers may have to change up their current Buddy Pokemon.
If you still have progress to make toward your Buddy ribbon, we suggest you finish it soon.
In addition to events, it appears trainers will soon have the ability to purchase tickets for/gift tickets to their friends. How sweet!
The rest of the dump appears to have already occurred with the main bulk concerning the recent Community Day featuring Stufful. Some trainers are taking Prof. Willow's mention of a colleague "studying Pokemon moves" as foreshadowing for Z-Moves, but this is currently unconfirmed.
More information can be found on the PokeMiners website.