Pokémon GO December 2021 Community Day Features Throwbacks to Previous Events
By Jack O'Dwyer

We’ve broken down all the details of Pokemon GO’s December 2021 Community Day event.
Niantic Labs has announced its end of the year Community Day event featuring several Pokemon that have been chosen as event headliners throughout the year. In addition to an extra 500 Pokemon and Bag storage kicking off the day before the benefits kick in, trainers will be able to see multiple Pokemon that haven’t enjoyed increasing spawning since their own features.
Unleash the power of Hoopa Confined by changing its form to Hoopa Unbound!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 28, 2021
To change Hoopa’s form, you need the following.
? 50 Hoopa Candy
? 10,000 Stardust
? Complete the Mischief Unbound Special Research pic.twitter.com/PM678Zyv9F
Pokémon GO December 2021 Community Day Explained
Community Day will kick off on Saturday, Dec. 18, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. to Sunday, Dec. 19, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., local time. For its duration, trainers can take advantage of the following benefits:
- 3-hour Incense
- 3-hour Lure Modules
- Double catch Stardust and XP
- Halved Egg hatch distance
From 1 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 17, to midnight on Dec. 19, local time, trainers will also have the Stardust requirement for trades reduced by 25% and get one extra special trade per day.
Pokémon GO 2021 December Community Day Wild Encounters
Trainers can encounter the following Pokemon on Dec. 18:
- Machop
- Gible
- Roselia
- Swablu
- Snivy
- Fletchling
The next set of Pokemon will appear on Dec. 19:
- Eevee
- Duskull
- Shinx
- Tepig
- Oshawott
All Pokemon appearing in this part of the event will have a chance to be shiny.
Pokémon GO 2021 December Community Day Egg Additions
These Pokemon will be available to hatch from 2 k.m. Eggs for the duration of the event with a chance to be shiny:
- Charmander
- Weedle
- Abra
- Gastly
- Rhyhorn
- Magikarp
- Polygon
- Elekid
- Magby
- Seedot
- Piplup
- Budew
Pokémon GO 2021 December Community Day Raid Bosses
The next collection of Pokemon will be appearing as Raid bosses throughout the event:
- Charmander
- Weedle
- Electabuzz
- Magmar
- Abra
- Gastly
- Rhyhorn
- Magikarp
- Porygon
- Seedot
- Piplup
No tiers were specified in the original news post. All Pokemon listed will appear with the chance to be shiny.
This photo is so good, it’s giving us “Shivers”! ? ? https://t.co/nxulh5N0QA
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 27, 2021
Pokémon GO 2021 December Community Day Exclusive Moves
Like any community day, the feature Pokemon will be guaranteed to receive a unique move upon their final evolution. We’ve broken this down by Pokemon:
- Alakazam: Counter
- Altaria: Moonblast
- Beedrill: Drill Run
- Charizard: Dragon Breath
- Dusknoir: Shadow Ball
- Electivire: Flamethrower
- Emboar: Blast Burn
- Empoleon: Hydro Cannon
- Espeon: Shadow Ball
- Flareon: Superpower
- Garchomp: Earth Power
- Gengar: Shadow Punch
- Glaceon: Water Pulse
- Gyrados: Aqua Tail
- Jolteon: Zap Cannon
- Leafeon: Bullet Seed
- Luxray: Psychic Fangs
- Machamp: Payback
- Magmortar: Thunderbolt
- Porygon-Z: Tri Attack
- Rhyperior: Rock Wrecker
- Roserade: Bullet Seed/Weather Ball (Fire)
- Samurott: Hydro Cannon
- Serperior: Frenzy Plant
- Shiftry: Bullet Seed
- Sylveon: Psyshock
- Talonflame: Incincerate
- Umbreon: Psychic
- Vaporeon: Scald
Pokémon GO 2021 December Community Day Research Tasks
There will be an assortment of timed research tasks available for trainers to earn encounters with several Pokémon previously featured during Community Days this past year.
Additionally, trainers will be able to collect Mega energy for the following Pokemon by completing research tasks:
- Charizard
- Gyrados
- Gengar
- Beedrill
- Altaria
More information can be found on the official Pokemon Go news blog.