Pokémon GO Evolving Stars: Collection Challenges

Pokémon GO's Evolving Stars event began Wednesday at 10 a.m. and runs through Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. local time, as part of the Season of Light event. It arrives with the opportunity for players to earn plenty of rewards. There will be four collection challenges over the course of the month that players can complete to unlock in-game items. Here's a breakdown of what you'll need to get those rewards.
Evolving Stars - Collection Challenges
— Leek Duck (@LeekDuck) October 4, 2022
Full Details: https://t.co/JXUbXHquQ1 pic.twitter.com/hz7Rr8bBfi
Pokémon GO Evolving Stars: Eevee Challenge
The Eevee Challenge for this event tasks players with evolving the Evolution Pokémon into three of its many evolved forms. This task is deceptively tricky. The process for evolving Eevee is always the same, but the resulting evolution is chosen at random from among the Pokémon's eight evolved forms. You may have to grind out several evolutions before you get the three required by the challenge.
- Vaporeon - Evolve Eevee using 25 Eevee Candy (randomly selected)
- Jolteon - Evolve Eevee using 25 Eevee Candy (randomly selected)
- Flareon - Evolve Eevee using 25 Eevee Candy (randomly selected)
Reward: One Up-Grade and one Metal Coat
Pokémon GO Evolving Stars: Sinnoh Challenge
The Sinnoh Challenge demands players earn four Pokémon that are only able to reach their final evolutions using the Sinnoh Stone. These Pokémon can only be counted toward completing the challenge if they're obtained via evolution, and they don't need to reach their final evolutions to contribute toward challenge progress.
Getting the candy for each Pokémon should be a little easier during the event, as they'll be appearing in the wild more frequently for the duration.
- Rhydon - Evolve Rhyhorn using 25 Rhyhorn Candy
- Piloswine - Evolve Swinub using 25 Swinub Candy
- Kirlia - Evolve Ralts using 25 Ralts Candy
- Dusclops - Evolve Duskull using 25 Duskull Candy
Reward: Four Sinnoh Stones
Pokémon GO Evolving Stars: Unova Challenge
For the Unova Challenge, players will need to acquire two Pokémon that use Unova Stones for their final evolutions. You won't need Unova Stones to complete the challenge, however, as you only need to evolve these Pokémon to the midpoint in their evolution charts.
- Elektrik - Evolve Tynamo using 25 Tynamo Candy
- Lampent - Evolve Litwick using 25 Litwick Candy
Reward: Two Unova Stones
Pokémon GO Evolving Stars: Trade Challenge
The trade challenge for this event requires players to evolve Haunter into Gengar and Kadabra into Alakazam. Players can either feed each Pokémon 100 Candy, or trade them with another player to remove the requirement.
- Gengar - Evolve Haunter using 100 Gastly Candy or receive from another player to remove candy requirement
- Alakazam - Evolve Kadabra using 100 Abra Candy or receive from another player to remove candy requirement
Reward: One Dragon Scale, one Sun Stone and one King's Rock
Players have until Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. local time to earn these rewards.