Pokémon GO Tour Kanto 2021 Announced
By Andrew Lin

Pokémon GO Tour Kanto 2021 is a new ticketed event that will feature Pokémon from the original games and celebrate the Kanto region. The Tour will feature all 151 first generation Pokémon, and all of them will be available as a Shiny. Tickets will cost about $11.99, and are on sale now.
Pokémon GO Tour Kanto 2021 Announced
Next year marks both Pokémon’s anniversary and Pokémon GO’s fifth anniversary! To celebrate, we’re excited to announce an all-new ticketed event that Trainers all around the globe will be able to take part in—the #PokemonGOTour: Kanto event! https://t.co/pH1lcjfHH3 pic.twitter.com/dILT3hFJ0X
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) December 8, 2020
The tour begins Feb. 20 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in your local time. The first 151 Pokémon will be appearing either in the wild, in Raids or as Research rewards. Each of them can be Shiny, though some will be easier to find than others. This also means that some Pokémon will be Shiny for the first time in Pokémon GO, such as Spearow, Fearow, Paras, Parasect, Snorlax, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Snorlax, Ditto and Mew.
You'll get rewards as you catch the first 150 (every Pokémon except Mew) before Feb. 27. This gives you extra time to trade with other players to complete the Kanto Pokédex.
Legendary Pokémon caught during the event will know exclusive moves. Some of these are the highly desired "legacy" moves. Thundershock Zapdos and Psystrike Mewtwo can finally be obtained again.
- Articuno- Hurricane
- Zapdos- Thunder Shock
- Moltres- Sky Attack
- Mewtwo- Psystrike
There will be a special event Research story that when completed will unlock another, long term Research that will give you an encounter with a Shiny Mew.
Purchasing tickets before Jan. 13 gets you a free ticket to January's Community Day Research, and getting tickets before Feb. 3 will get you into February's Community Day Research.
You'll also be given a choice of either Red or Green when purchasing a ticket. Much like picking a version of the main series games, your choice will affect which Pokémon you encounter.
Red will get you Ekans, Oddish, Mankey, Growlithe, Scyther and Electabuzz more frequently when using Incense. You'll also get a boosted Shiny encounter rate for Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pidgey, Ekans, Pikachu, Nidoran ♀, Oddish, Diglett, Mankey, Growlithe, Ponyta, Shellder, Drowzee, Krabby, Hitmonlee, Lickitung, Scyther, Electabuzz, Eevee, Kabuto and Dratini.
Green will get you Sandshrew, Vulpix, Meowth, Bellsprout, Magmar and Pinsir more frequently when using Incense. You'll also get a boosted Shiny encounter rate for Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pidgey, Pikachu, Sandshrew, Nidoran ♂, Vulpix, Meowth, Psyduck, Bellsprout, Geodude, Exeggcute, Hitmonchan, Koffing, Tangela, Horsea, Magmar, Pinsir, Eevee, Omanyte and Dratini.
If you don't opt in for the premium experience, you'll still get some bonuses. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Mewtwo will be in Legendary Raids and everyone can play in the event Timed Research. In addition, trade range will be increased to 40 km during the event.