Pokémon GO Weather Week: Everything You Need to Know

Pokemon Go's Weather Week will soon be upon us and with it, the arrival of a fresh set of Pokémon, raids, and a new shiny Pokémon to look out for.
Here's everything you need to know about Pokémon GO Weather Week.
Weather Week is starting soon, Trainers! During this event, Castform will be appearing more frequently in the wild. ?️ If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Rainy Form Castform! ✨
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) March 22, 2021
Pokémon GO Weather Week Start Time and End Time
Pokémon GO Weather week is set to begin at the conclusion of the Forces of Nature Pokémon havoc. Weather Week will begin on Wednesday, March 24 at 10 a.m local time, and will run until March 29 at 8 p.m local time.
Weather Week will also be split into two parts, each dedicated to Pokémon who favor windy or rainy weather conditions. The rainy Pokémon, such as Vaporeon and Stunfisk, will appear in the wild more often from the event start up until Saturday, March 27 at 10 a.m. From 10 a.m onwards, Pokémon who prefer windy conditions will appear more frequently, such as Pidove and Taillow.
Pokémon GO Weather Week: Shiny Castform
Castform is a normal-type Pokémon, but what makes this Pokémon special is that it changes its shape and type based on the weather. Whether it's sunny, rainy, or windy, Castform adapts to any weather conditions.
Now trainers can catch this swiss-army knife style Pokémon in the wild more often during weather-week. You can spot a Rainy Castform around other Pokémon who enjoy the rain or wind. A shiny Castform will also be lurking in the wild for you to find and add to your Pokédex. These kind of abilities are unique and can be very valuable to a trainer, so keep your eyes peeled in the wild for this shiny!
Pokémon GO Weather Week: Field Research Tasks
In addition to rainy and windy Pokémon and a new shiny to capture, there will also be exclusive Field Research and Timed Research tasks in Pokémon Go to complete.
While the exact tasks are still unknown, we do know that one of the rewards available in the Research tasks is a Rainy type Castform. More information will be made available soon.
Pokémon GO Weather Week Raids and Eggs
5km eggs in Pokémon Go during weather week will now be able to hatch the following Pokémon:
- Psyduck
- Poliwag
- Drifloon
- Ducklett
- Mantyke
- Swablu
- Tympole
Additionally, the Pokémon below will make appearances in Raids:
- Level 1: Slowpoke, Tynamo, and more.
- Level 3: Swellow, Pelipper, and more.
- Level 5: Therian Forme Thundurus.
- Mega Raids: Mega Houndoom, Mega Manectric, and Mega Abomasnow.