Pokemon Legends: Arceus Evolutionary Item Guide
By Jack O'Dwyer

We’ve put together a list of every evolutionary item in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, along with how to find them.
Over time, Nintendo has added a variety of evolutionary items to the Pokemon franchise. From stones to discs, fangs, claws, and “-izers,” trainers and developers, alike have found all sorts of ways to bring their Pokemon from form A to form B. This has only expanded with Pokemon Legends: Arceus, following a recent trend in fan-made ROM games allowing trade-mandatory species to evolve through a brand new item.
Below, we’ve put together a list of all such items currently included in Pokemon Legends: Arceus (PLA).
The natural majesty of the Hisui region awaits you. ⛰#PokemonLegendsArceus is available now! pic.twitter.com/BLl7oaJeKs
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) January 28, 2022
All Evolutionary Items in Pokemon Legends: Arceus
For the purposes of this list, we will be including every item that is necessary to evolve any Pokemon, even if it doesn’t prompt evolution right away.
There are 23 evolutionary items in total. We’ve listed all of them, below:
- Fire Stone
- Thunder Stone
- Water Stone
- Leaf Stone
- Ice Stone
- Sun Stone
- Dawn Stone
- Dusk Stone
- Shiny Stone
- Moon Stone
- Oval Stone
- Black Augurite
- Dubious Disk
- Electirizer
- Marmarizer
- Linking Cord
- Metal Coat
- Peat Block
- Protector
- Razor Fang
- Razor Claw
- Reaper Cloth
- Upgrade
Keep your eye on the ball today, Trainers! pic.twitter.com/BulYnuzfxJ
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) February 13, 2022
How to Get Evolutionary Items in Pokemon Legends: Arceus
There are quite a few methods to obtain evolutionary items in Pokemon Legends: Arceus:
- Breaking open rocks and ores
- Purchasing at the Trading Post using Merit Points
- Purchasing from Ginter the Gingko Trader
- Exploring Space-Time Distortions
- Completing specific Requests
- Carried by the corresponding Pokemon
Of course, some items are exclusive to certain methods. However, they can all be obtained for ~1000 Merit Points at the Trading Post in Jubilife Village.
Trainers can earn Merit Points by finding and returning dropped satchels in various locations over the regions of Hisui. Each one awards the trainer a varying amount of Merit Points on top of a specified item. Just remember to turn on Internet access!
All Evolutionary Items Available by Breaking Open Rocks and Ores
These tend to be stones for obvious reasons. Trainers can expect the following items to have chance of popping out from ores and rocks:
- Fire Stone
- Thunder Stone
- Water Stone
- Leaf Stone
- Ice Stone
- Dawn Stone
- Dusk Stone
All Evolutionary Items Exclusive to Space-Time Distortions
Some items have not yet been invented or found during the time period that PLA takes place. These following items can reportedly only be found in Space-Time Distortions:
- Black Augurite
- Upgrade
- Dubious Disc
- Electirizer
- Magmarizer
- Protector
All Evolutionary Items Available from PLA Requests
Additionally, those who spend time running errands for Jubilife Villagers may find themselves earning Evolutionary Items upon completing some Requests. These are:
- Fire Stone—potential choice, Request 52
- Water Stone—potential choice, Request 52
- Thunder Stone—potential choice, Request 52
- Leaf Stone—Request 73
- Ice Stone—Request 86
- Sun Stone—Request 85
- Dawn Stone—Request 82
- Dusk Stone—Request 22, after collecting 30 Wisps
- Shiny Stone—Request 74
- Moon Stone—Request 67
- Oval Stone—Request 22, after collecting five (5) Wisps
- Black Augurite—Request 68
- Linking Cord—Request 64
- Peat Block—Request 86
- Reaper Cloth—Request 22, after collecting 70 Wisps
All Evolutionary Items that May Be Carried by Pokemon
It's not uncommon for some Pokemon to be carrying the items that would prompt them to evolve. Below, we've listed some of these items:
- Razor Claw
- Razor Fang
- Reaper Cloth
- Oval Stone