Pokémon Legends: Arceus Growlithe: Full Details

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, it can safely be said that Growlithe will be back and better than ever.
From its new looks to its reworked dual-type, here's everything you need to know about what makes the Hisuian Growlithe in Pokémon Legends: Arceus different from its usual counterpart.
Loving the new Hisuian Growlithe from the new Pokemon Legends: Arceus! The fluffff! Also Pokemon Cafe Remix lookin like a fun new update to it :) pic.twitter.com/JOyu2xDzML
— Trudi Castle (@trudicastle) August 18, 2021
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Growlithe: Full Details
To start things off, at a height of 2-feet, 7-inches tall and a weight of 50 lbs, the Hisuian Growlithe noticeably has longer, more voluminous dark red and grey fur compared to its previously discovered orange and beige form.
This soft, heat-retaining fur is said to help Growlithe survive in the frigid Hisui region. The Hisuian Growlithe also has an exposed sharp horn on its head made of rock, but it reportedly seldom uses it since it breaks easily.
Growlithes in the Hisui region are highly vigilant and tend to be found watching over their territory in pairs.
Being that Pokémon Legends: Arceus is set to take place long before the Sinnoh region becomes established in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl—which are both getting Switch remakes on Nov. 19—Hisuian Growlithes naturally have been living apart from humans for a long time, and are unused to being around people. Building trust with one here will likely take much more time than the often obedient ordinary variant.
Lastly, perhaps the most important feature of the Hisuian Regional Form of the Scout Pokémon is that unlike its Fire-type-only Generation I version, Growlithes in Pokémon Legends: Arceus are both Fire- and Rock-type.
To help those who now feel its their life's duty to protect Hisuian Growlithes, The Pokémon Company is gifting a Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set to those who preorder Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Trainers can receive it by choosing "Get via Internet" from the Mystery Gifts feature in the game, up until May 9, 2022.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus will launch for Nintendo Switch on Jan. 28, 2022.