Pokémon Trainer Card Maker: How to Make Your Own Trainer Card

Dedicated fans of the Pokémon franchise can access a third-party website that creates a cute trainer card based on your customizations.
Even though the Pokémon games can be used to insert the player and immerse themselves into the world that the game is taking place in, they may look to other methods of actually making themself truly feel like a Pokémon trainer.
Luckily, Pokécharms has a resource for creating trainer cards for Pokémon fans that they can then use as a descriptor of their Pokémon trainer persona. You can find it here, but it can be daunting to look at, so we've compiled some steps for you to follow in order to truly make sense of the website!
Some small updates to the #TrainerCardMaker have just gone live, which should especially improve the experience of selecting your Trainer: pic.twitter.com/xu9vLJx9N1
— Pokécharms (@Pokecharms) March 21, 2023
How to Make Your Own Trainer Card
- You can choose to either make a modern card or use the older format for a more compact card, the choice is yours, the modern cards have more Pokémon and better sprites, so for the purposes of this guide, we'll be following that process (but with the older style, the steps are almost identical.)
- Pick a name for yourself (Optionally, you can also include your handles on different social media platforms!)
- From there, you can choose which trainer you'd like to represent you. You can choose from protagonists, side characters featured in the games or many others
- You can also change the background of your card to many beautiful ones that the website provides
- Finally, you can choose up to six Pokémon that you'd like to have featured on the card alongside you! Additionally, you can add in other details like the Pokémon's Tera-type and if they are a Mega Evolution, or many other features under the "icons" tab
- After completing all that you'd like, you can save the trainer card and put it anywhere you'd like to
Enjoy making your card through Poké Charms, you can follow them on Twitter here, or access them through many other social media platforms, including a Discord Server, which the link is provided on the website link provided above.