PUBG Sniper Lands a 779 Meter Shot
By Nathan Fusco

A PUBG player lands a ridiculous sniper shot at 779 meters. While he doesn't have the best sniper in the game with the AWM, our hero does have a M24, which is good enough to get the job done.
Lining shots up at any distance has to do with a bit of luck, and a couple practice shots. Very rarely do players line up a shot in one go. You usually need to shoot a couple to gauge the drop off distance, and if players end up behind cover, It's all over. Redditor br1ff had all the key components to make this work.
After taking a few shots and missing, br1ff moved up a bit closer. And of course, the enemy player decided to look around. Most likely trying to figure where the bullet was coming from, the player stood still. And that's all the time our player needed.
The shot came whizzing in, and took out the enemy player, knocking him with a headshot.
Sniping is easily the most satisfying part in PUBG, which is why a lot of gun fights end with a sniper shot to the head.