Pudge Persona Dota 2: Everything You Need to Know
By Nathan Fusco

Pudge Persona in Dota 2 is now available to players as long as they reach the appropriate battle pass level. Unlike basic skins, this features an all-new model, animation, and voice performance. As with every lead up to The International Valve is going above and beyond to create enticing cosmetics for the community.
It's a win-win for everyone as The International's prize pool goes up while the fan base receive amazing things like this persona.
The Toy Butcher Hero Persona for Pudge and Voice of The International Announcer Pack are now available — https://t.co/jcscB2W0D8 pic.twitter.com/9lRSxrf6GY
— DOTA 2 (@DOTA2) August 21, 2020
Pudge Persona Dota 2: Everything You Need to Know
Players can earn the persona for Pudge by hitting battle pass level 255. Valve described the persona, "Feared amongst the fluff-stuffed denizens of the toy box, The Toy Butcher stalks the corners and shadows of the bin, always on the hunt for his next kill. Every toy knows that once the butcher gets his hook in you, your stuffing and your life are forfeit – like as not to be left strewn about the lanes as the plushy monster jaunts happily away from your lonely, ragged remains."
Valve was also quick to remind players of The International 10 Collector’s Cache Volume II which went live on Aug. 14.