Rainbow Six Siege Crystal Guard New Operator: Who is it?
By Jakob Lucas

Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Crystal Guard will have Team Rainbow flying over to Croatia to pick up Osa, the game's newest attacker. Operation Crystal Guard will also offer a variety of changes to preexisting operators, maps, gameplay elements, and introduce even more new content.
In our Y6S3 Pre-Season Designer's Notes we cover the latest balancing changes coming to the Test Server tomorrow:
— Rainbow Six Siege (@Rainbow6Game) August 16, 2021
? Cluster charge rework
⚡ Electronics detector rework
?️ Shock drone rework
➡ + MORE!
Read the full article: https://t.co/8bXg8yY4jC
Who is Osa, Rainbow Six Siege's new attacker?
Osa's Talon-8 Shields are similar to the Deployable Shields that are part of defenders kits, but with some key differences. Osa's shields are taller and transparent, meaning defenders can see when somebody is bunkered down behind one, a luxury attackers are not afforded by the standard Deployable Shield. Osa's shields can be destroyed in two ways. Players can drop her shield by shooting the red pressured canister located at the bottom or by simply exploding it.
Osa's shields can be set up in the middle of rooms and in doorways, much like the defender's shields, except Osa can also attach to windows, as the shields are deployable while rappelling. This provides two extra benefits to the attackers. They can see who moves past these windows without fear of being shot through them while also preventing defenders from vaulting back into rooms.
The new Attacker, Osa, can deploy a bullet-proof shield to help her teammates dig in and push on when Crystal Guard launches on September 7. Take a look at what's to come with the UbiNews team.
— Rainbow Six Siege (@Rainbow6Game) August 16, 2021
Rainbow Six Siege Crystal Guard New Operator: Who is it?
The Talon-8s also provide attackers with massive influence. They are now able to create added cover for themselves and better lock down areas they have taken control of, which will be extremely influential in guarding the flank and defuser. Moreover, even if defenders can see who's hiding behind the shields, the lines of sight will go both ways. Attackers will be able to see defenders aggressing onto the shield without having to stand up and expose their heads to enemy fire.
Osa's versatility doesn't end there. The shield also protects her head while she carries it. This means that players can opt to use her as another shield operator on the attack, but she cannot carry a gun when holding her gadget.
The reveal also teased which guns and equipment players can expect to have when picking Osa. She will have two primary options: Thermite's 556XI assault rifle or Jackal's PDW9 submachine gun. She can also choose between bringing two smoke grenades or a claymore in her equipment slot.
Rewatch the full livestream reveal of Crystal Guard to learn about all the new changes coming to Rainbow Six Siege. Experience the map updates to Coastline, Bank, and Clubhouse and meet our latest Operator, Osa, and her tactical shield, the Talon-8.
— Rainbow Six Siege (@Rainbow6Game) August 16, 2021
If you want to learn more about Osa or see her in action then check out Operation Crystal Guard's full reveal on YouTube. Check out our other article here to find out when you can begin playing Osa.