Red Dead Online Ram's Head Location

Red Dead Online ram's head location is important to know. Plants in RDO already have a great deal of value for their many uses. This mushroom has a variety of uses from healing the player to attracting livestock and food. Whether you're just completing daily challenges or out searching for your own goals, knowing where to find this functional fungi is could be useful.

Here's everything you need to know about where to find Ram's head.

Red Dead Online: Ram's Head Location

You'll be more likely to find this fungi on the ground or growing toward the bottom of tree trunks near the roots. It can be spotted in the woodlands around West Elizabeth and Ambarino.

There are reports of it growing directly northeast of Blackwater, surrounding Strawberry, in the stretch of land between the Hawks Eye Creek and Upper Montana River. It can also be found in the far north of Ambarino, beyond Annesburg, in the Roanoke Valley.

Ram's Head, also known as Cypripedium Arietinum, is a large fungus that can be used to make Potent Herbivore Bait or be eaten and heal the player's Health Core. It has the appearance of multiple mushrooms stacked on top of each other. This cluster formation should make it easier to spot and distinguish from the area around it.

Image courtesy of Rockstar Studios.