Riot Games Reveals Yone's Kit and Cinematic
By Joe Melillo

Riot Games has revealed Yone's kit and cinematic. During a live stream on The Game Awards' YouTube channel, Riot Games released a new short film that officially revealed Yone as League of Legends 150th champion. The film, Kin of the Stained Blade, features both traditional anime and anime-inspired 3D graphic animation styles. Coupled with the animated short, The Path, that Riot released earlier this month, we now have a solid understanding of Yone's backstory. Yone is slated to be released in Patch 10.16 which is slated for Aug. 6.
The short begins with Yone and Yasuo's final dual. Yasuo kills Yone and he wakes up in the spirit realm. In this realm, Yone crosses paths with a demon known as an Azakana. He slays the demon and reawakens in the mortal realm with the Azakana attached to his face in the form of a mask. While the Azakana lives on in his body, Yone still retains control of the demon and has the ability to use its power in combat.
Yone now roams the mortal realm and hunts demons, as shown in the short film. Yasuo seeks the help of a mysterious monk to help him commune with his fallen brother. After consuming a potion to help him commune with the dead, the monk is revealed to be a demon and Yone appears. Yone attacks the demon and Yasuo aids him. The two defeat the demon and Yone collects the demon's face as a mask, which he places on his belt as a trophy. Yone then disappears while Yasuo leaves Ionia to search for purpose in Bilgewater.
Riot Reveals Yone's Kit
Riot initially described Yone as a "masked assassin that refuses to die." While there has been much debate as to what that description actually meant, we now know that Riot was referring to Yone's lore. Yone appears to play as a hybrid between a skirmisher and an assassin, much like his brother, Yasuo. He has great mobility and should be a fan favorite once he hits the rift.
Way of the Hunter (Passive):
Yone uses two blades, causing every second attack to deal with more magic damage. His critical strike chance is also doubled, but his critical strikes deal reduced damage.
Mortal Steel (Q)
Yone thrusts forward, dealing physical damage to opponents. On hit, he gains a stack of Gathering Storm. At two stacks, Yone can dash forward with a wave that makes enemies airborne.
Spirit Cleave (W)
Yone cleaves forward in a massive arc, dealing a portion of the target's maximum health. After successfully hitting an enemy, Yone also gains a temporary shield. The shield's power increases per champion struck.
Soul Unbound (E)
Yone can enter his Spirit Form, gaining movement speed and leaving his body behind. When Yone's Spirit Form expires, he'll snap back into his body and deal a percentage of all the damage he dealt while in Spirit Form.
Fate Sealed (R)
Yone strikes all enemies in his path, blinking behind the last enemy hit and knocking everyone airborne towards him.