ScreaM Valorant Settings: How to Play Like the One-Tap King
By Jack O'Dwyer

ScreaM Valorant settings can shed some insight on how to play just like the pros do.
Ever since its closed beta release, Valorant has been attracting players of all kinds. From veterans and pros to newbies and casuals, it seems Riot Games' newest competitive FPS has attracted quite an audience. One among these individuals is Belgian CS:GO pro player Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom—best known for his one-tap headshot skills.
While we can't promise copying his sensitivity settings will give you the exact edge you're looking for, it may help some players understand exactly what technical advantages are behind a one-shot kill.
New HIGHLIGHTS video is out! ?
— ScreaM (@ScreaM_) May 9, 2020
1TAPS during the Twitch Rivals charity tournament last week end ✌️
ScreaM Valorant Computer Settings
ScreaM approaches the game at full screen with 1920×1080 resolution and V-Sync toggled off. Due to the nature of the beta, we aren't aware of his graphical settings. Players should adjust this to what runs best on their machine, regardless.
Crosshair Settings
- Color
: Green - Inner Lines
: 1 / 5 / 2 / 2 - Outlines
: On - Outer Lines
: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 - Center Dot
: Off - Movement / Firing Error
: On
Crucial Keybinds
- Walk
: L-Shift - Use Object
: F - Jump
: Wheel Down - Crouch
: L-Ctrl - Use/Equip Ability 1
: C - Use/Equip Ability 2: Q (French keyboard: ‘A’)
- Use/Equip Ability 3: E
- Use/Equip Ability Ultimate
: X - Equip Primary Weapon
: 1 - Equip Secondary Weapon
: 2 - Equip Melee Weapon
: 3 - Equip Spike
: ` (Shift+~)
Mouse Settings
: 400 - Windows Sensitivity
: 6 - eDPI
: 188 - Scoped Sensitivity M
: 1 - Sensitivity
: 0.47 - Hz
: 500