Shadowlands 9.2 Healer Rankings: Mythic+ and Raiding
By Ryan Schork

Wondering where Healers rank in Shadowlands 9.2 for Mythic+ and Raiding? Here's what you need to know.
Healers are perhaps the most balanced role thus far in Patch 9.2. Each healer brings buffs, utility, and healing output to keep players alive. Furthermore, Healing is arguably the hardest role to play in a PvE setting, therefore, bringing the correct class is crucial. Similar to tanks, bringing the better class does not always mean a successful outcome.
Shadowlands 9.2 Healer Rankings: Mythic+ and Raiding
Healer Mythic+ S Tier
- Shaman
This tier, Shaman is the best healer for pushing keys in Mythic+. Combined with buffs, utility, and healing output, Shaman is going to be the healer to bring. Shaman is also the only healing class with an interrupt, making them all the more valuable for Mythic+ situations.
Healer Mythic+ A Tier
- Paladin
- Druid
- Priest (Holy)
Paladin is also looking exceptionally strong this tier, as Shadowlands draws to a close. It seems that toward the end of every expansion, Paladin is incredibly strong. Shadowlands is keeping with that trend as Paladins will scale greatly.
Healer Mythic+ B Tier
- Priest (Discipline)
- Monk
While both of the Priest specializations are solid, Discipline falls behind in Mythic+. While they are very versatile with utility and mobility, Discipline Priests fall behind due to lack of raw healing output.
Healer Raiding S Tier
- Monk
- Priest (Discipline)
Funny enough, the worst healers for Mythic+ seem to be the strongest for Sepulcher of the First Ones. Monks are going to be incredibly valuable for boss fights this tier. With great healing output, mobility and utility, the Monk is the best healer to curb boss mechanics.
Healer Raiding A Tier
- Shaman
- Paladin
- Druid
- Priest (Holy)
As previously mentioned, healers this tier are very closely balanced and tuned. The masters of HoT's, Druids, shine this tier with their burst healing. Druids have exceptional healing cooldowns like Tranquility and Flourish, as well as the Covenant ability, Convoke the Spirits.
All in all, Healers have a tough job ahead of them as they attempt to conquer The Jailer. However, with tightly tuned classes and specializations, it will come down to the player to keep the team alive.