Shadowlands 9.2 Tank Rankings: Mythic+ and Raiding
By Ryan Schork

Wondering where Tanks rank in Shadowlands 9.2 for Mythic+ and Raiding? Here's what you need to know
Tanks are the backbone of any raid team or Mythic+ group, where the player can make or break the instance. From mitigating damage to holding threat, tanks have an important job no matter the content. Impakt, raid leader for BDGG, recommends always taking the better player, rather than the better class.
For both ends of the spectrum, the best tanks in Sepulcher of the First Ones are the best for Mythic+ this season. The same is true for the worst class on this list, with varying viability towards the middle.
Shadowlands 9.2 Tank Rankings: Mythic+ and Raiding
Tank Raiding and Mythic+ S Tier
- Paladin
Taking the top spot for both raiding and Mythic+ is the Protection Paladin. Paladins sit atop the Tank list due to their damage output and the immunities they possess. With abilities like Divine Shield, Blessing of Spellwarding, and Ashen Hallow, Paladins provide themselves and raiders with safety and damage buffs.
Tank Raiding A Tier
- Death Knight
- Druid
While below the previous three Tanks, Guardian Druid is looking promising for raiding. Guardian Druids have strong physical damage mitigation and high damage output. However, they fall behind other Tanks with their lack of raid-wide utility, barring Stampeding Roar.
Tank Raiding B Tier
- Demon Hunter
- Warrior
Vengeance Demon Hunters fall behind this tier due to their lack of utility. While they have a raid-wide buff, many raid teams already have a Havoc Demon Hunter on their roster, making the buff useless. However, due to solid damage mitigation and the best mobility in the game, Demon Hunters are still viable.
Tank Mythic+ A Tier
- Monk
- Druid
The second-best Tank for Mythic+ is the Brewmaster Monk. Similar to Paladin, Monks offer an incredible amount of damage to bosses. Monks also will become increasingly powerful as their tier set is particularly strong.
Tank Mythic+ B Tier
- Demon Hunter
- Death Knight
Death Knights will be on the stronger side for Sepulcher of the First Ones, however, fall lower on the list in Mythic+. While their self-sustaining abilities are unparalleled, their lack of mobility causes them to suffer a bit in Mythic+.
Tank Mythic+ C Tier
- Warrior
Last on the list is the Protection Warrior. While Warriors bring numerous utilities, due to Fury Warrior being so strong, raid teams will not require them. Furthermore, their damage mitigation and output is simply not on par with the other Tanks on the list.