Shiny Gengar Pokemon GO: How to Catch

Shiny Gengar is just slightly darker and less saturated than the average Gengar.
Shiny Gengar is just slightly darker and less saturated than the average Gengar. / The Pokémon Company, edited by Jack

Shiny Gengar Pokemon GO will appear more frequently for a limited time in raids. From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mar. 1, trainers can expect to see Gengar and its shiny variant appear in four-star raids alongside its legacy opponent Nidorino.

This even comes in tandem with the Pokemon Day celebration event that runs through to Mar. 2. While shiny Gengar may be difficult to distinguish from its normal counterpart, trainers and shiny hunters should still be on the lookout for how to catch it.

Shiny Gengar Pokemon GO: How to Catch

Shiny Gengar can be found in four-star raids in your local area. Due to the difficult nature of four-star raids, it recommended that players take on these Pokemon in groups to share the spoils and conquer more gyms at a quicker pace.

The fastest way to bring down Gengar is to know which Pokemon and moves are strongest against it. Psychic, dark, ground, and even other ghost-types are especially valuable in this fight. Be aware that while those Pokemon you choose to bring with you to the raid can beat your opponent, that opponent may also be strong against your team.

The odds of encountering a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO can range from between 1:450 to 1:45 depending on the circumstances. Considering Gengar is being featured during this event, your odds are probably better.

The best tip for shiny hunting is to get out early, be prepared, and just keep searching. The more encounters you have means the more chances to find what you're looking for.