Star Guardian Kai'Sa Skin Splash Art, Price, Release Date, How to Get

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Star Guardian Kai'Sa was revealed as one of five new skins coming to the popular skin line in League of Legends.

Out of all the skin lines in the game, Star Guardian is one of the most popular. Sona, Fiddlesticks, Kai'Sa, and Ekko will join Star Guardian with the latter getting a Prestige Edition as well.

Here is everything you need to know about Star Guardian Kai'Sa.

Star Guardian Kai'Sa Splash Art

Kai'Sa's splash art released a few days after the skin was first announced. And it was worth the wait!

Star Guardian Kai'Sa Price

Star Guardian Kai'Sa will likely cost 1,350 RP in the store.

Star Guardian Kai'Sa Release Date

Star Guardian Kai'Sa will be released July 14 alongside the rest of the skins.

How to Get Star Guardian Kai'Sa

Star Guardian Kai'Sa will be available for purchase in the store once the skin goes live. You can also randomly earn the skin in the loot tab.