The 5 Most Exciting New Changes Coming in TFT Set 4.5

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

TFT’s Set 4.5 is mere weeks away, and the developers have taken to Twitter to tease players with all the new champions, classes, traits, and changes coming to the game. Out of the myriad of changes slated to come to TFT in less than a month as of Jan. 1, here are the five most significant.

The 5 Most Exciting Changes Coming in TFT Set 4.5

1. New Warlords

The Warlord trait has struggled in original Set 4, throughout the months it has had trouble finding its place. The main problem with the trait is the lack of a hard carry. With Cultists there is Jhin, with Elderwood there’s Veigar or Ashe. With Warlords? There’s nothing, for a while Jarvan was strong, but he was quickly nerfed. It’s been revealed that Trynamere will be added as a Warlord, hopefully, he’ll be the carry that Warlords so desperately need.

2. Removing Champions That Just Aren't Fun

It’s been revealed that Nami, Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Jinx, Ahri, and Jhin (along with others) won’t be returning for 4.5. Understandably some players are sad, many made their climbs based on one of these champions alone. Hyper-carry Nami, Jhin, Jinx, or Ahri were all strong at some point, but oftentimes they were oppressive and felt impossible to play against if a player got lucky and high rolled on them. But it looks like Riot is removing them to make room for new carries like Aurelion Soul, Olaf, and Xayah.

3. New Incredible Synergies

As mentioned previously, new champions are coming. But the most exciting ones coming are Xayah and Rakan. To start it off, their background lore makes them essential to play together already, their love knows no bounds, and it’s heartening to see them coming to TFT at the same time with very similar traits. Both are Elderwood Keepers, and Xayah is also a Slayer. Playing these two together provides instant synergy with the Keeper trait, but player one other Elderwood champion and they’ll be unstoppable.

4. The Unknown

TFT can get unfortunately stale after a while, this is not a failure on Riot’s part. Major mid-set changes like this upcoming one are part of what brings players back to the game. But what’s disappointing is after a few months it can feel like the game has been figured out. Sure, there will be balance patches, but at some point the game becomes repetitive, routine. This new patch will turn everything upside down and force players to learn new synergies and champions. A very exciting prospect!

5. The Dragonsoul Trait

In past sets, we’ve seen dragon-themed classes and traits. Dragons are cool, that goes without saying, and it’s a pleasant surprise that this mid-set update will contain a new Dragonsoul trait. According to a tweet by the TFT account on Dec. 27, the Dragonsoul trait can “empower champions with a very powerful buff that gives them stats and has them shoot a powerful dragon breath attack.” At this juncture, there is no indication as to how powerful this will be, but there are seven Dragonsoul champions being added. Tristana, Brand, Braum, Shyvana, Olaf, Aurelion Soul, and Swain.