The Last of Us Part 2 Staci Phone Number: Where to Find and Unlock the Safe

How to find the phone number of Staci in The Last of Us Part 2.
How to find the phone number of Staci in The Last of Us Part 2. / Photo by Naughty Dog

The Last of Us Part 2 Staci Phone Number is necessary to open the thrift store safe. Here's where to look.

The thrift store safe is opened with the last six digits of Staci's phone number. You find the clue on the corkboard in the back of the thrift store, but the note is torn.

The Last of Us Part 2 Staci Phone Number: Where to Find and Unlock the Safe

Her number is actually graffitied in the bathroom nearby. Head inside and you'll find her number scrawled on the tiles. "For a good time, call Staci - (206) 555-0133."

The combination is 55-01-33. The safe is located in the left room of the thrift store. Watch out for the clicker inside. When you finally get to open the safe, you'll find a health pack and some ammo.

The safes in the game all have combinations that are significant numbers to the people who used to use it. Like this one, they're all hidden in the area in plain sight and require some exploration.

You'll be rewarded with all sorts of gear when you open them, so be sure to get them as you see them. Some safes get you better gear than others, but you'll always be glad you opened them.