The Last of Us Part II Safe Combinations: All Combinations
By Chaz Frazer

The Last of Us Part II safe combinations are usually hinted at nearby the safes themselves in Artefacts with a few exceptions. Follow this guide to get your hands into every safe there is, and claim the Safecracker trophy for your trouble.
Safes are usually located away from main areas off the beaten path, and unlocking them will take some crafty detective work. If looking to skip the headache of tracking down the associated Artefacts and safe codes, check below for a comprehensive list. Safes will be listed by chapter they can be found in, their location, and the combination to round it out.
The Last of Us Part II Safe Combinations: All Combinations
1. Chapter: Patrol
The safe is in the same room as Artefact #3, to the left of the desk. You need to refer to the Employee of the Month billboard to find the combination.
2. Chapter: Downtown 1
This safe is in the reinforced door inside the Westlake Bank's vault.
3. Chapter: Downtown 2
On Madison Street, near to the Valiant Music Shop is the Checkpoint Gate West 2. Squeeze through the revolving door and you'll find the safe under some cover, to the left of some shelves.
4. Chapter: Downtown 3
Smash the glass to enter the room to the left of the corpses littered on the ground, and you'll find the safe right beneath the window.
5. Chapter: Capitol Hill
Go through the door directly opposite the bulletin board, and finish off the Clicker lying on the floor. The safe is against the wall.
6. Chapter: Hillcrest
Head through the Shear Lux hair salon, in the back you will find a garage. The door is being blocked by a garbage dumpster, but there are Runners inside so be on guard. Move the garbage dumpster, and then open the door. to take care of the Runners.
7. Chapter: The Seraphites 1
In the apartment area after you collect the Artefact on the table, go through the closed door to the left of the fridge. On the wall to the right of the bed is a calendar. Interact with it for a clue. The safe is inside the wardrobe on your left.
8. Chapter: The Seraphites 2
After the boss encounter with the pickaxe wielding human, you'll climb onto a rooftop area where Ellie will take note of the hospital that's nearby. Drop from a ladder into some water and look for Weston's Pharmacy. Inside you'll find the safe.
9. Chapter: The Flooded City
Nearby Artefact #1 is a trolley which can be moved away from some debris. Use it to access a grate next to the dead body. Then return to where the trolley was and crawl under the gap to access a previously locked off area. Fall down and you'll see the safe.
10. Chapter: On Foot
Leave the cabin through the door, and head towards the building directly opposite. Come around its left wall, and crawl in through a crack. The safe is inside.
11. Chapter: Hostile Territory
Inside Jasmine Bakery, you'll find the safe directly opposite the main entrance.
12. Chapter: The Coast
Up on the Sun Deck, where you'll encounter the Shambler, the safe is inside the area directly left of the staircase, next to the boat's steering controls.
13. Chapter: The Shortcut
In the bedroom opposite the whiteboard, you'll find the safe near the corner of the bed.
14. Chapter: The Descent
To the left of the doorway that goes to the staircase, there is a closet opposite of the gym. You'll find the safe on the right, inside.