Titanfall 2 Ash Revealed as Next Apex Legends Season 11 Feature
By Jack O'Dwyer

Respawn Entertainment has revealed even more about Titanfall 2’s Simulacrum Pilot Ashleigh Reid—better known as “Ash.”
The latest Apex Legends “Stories of the Outlands” has been released, featuring the story of Ash, a once proud pilot and scientist turned mechanical mistress of the Deathmatch Arena. In Titanfall 2, Ash was an antagonist to the player, having undergone a horrific accident. Her consciousness was ported into an android body which has been rebuilt yet again for Apex Legends.
Apex Legends: ”Ashes to Ash” Story Revealed
Most Titanfall players likely recognized Ash the moment she appeared as the host of the Arenas. Of course, she didn’t start out that way. Dr. Ashleigh Reid was originally a scientist working under Dr. Mary “Horizon” Somers. She is actually the one who betrayed Horizon and left her for dead in the black hole time warp—which eventually led her to her current role in the Apex Games.
Following this, she was mortally wounded by Amelie Paquette and requested through pain and gritted teeth to have her consciousness transferred into a “simulacrum”—or android body—permanently, despite the massive “trauma” it was said to cause her.
Dr. Reid soon found herself trapped within the consciousness of the simulacrum “Ash” and the two would constantly clash within the neuron circuits of the robot’s body. According to Stories, Ash considered Dr. Reid to be weak and hoped to soon “be rid” of her.
Stories does briefly touch on Ash’s time as a mercenary and her various rebuilds, rescues—particularly by Pathfinder—and revived memories throughout the video.
She is eventually revived by Horizon who had originally hoped to use the android to contact Lillian Peck in an effort to return to her own time. This backfires and leaves Ash very much alive and in control of the simulacrum body despite initial pleas from Dr. Reid. She is able to tell Horizon that she knows what happened to Horizon’s son, Newton, before Ash takes over indefinitely.
The next season of Apex Legends, “Escape,” will have its own trailer go live on Oct. 21. We’ll likely have much more information surrounding Ash and what Season 11 holds following its debut.