Top 5 Rarest Genji Skins in Overwatch

Everyone's favorite cyborg already looks cool enough, but who's to say you can't make him look cooler with a new skin? If Genji can give himself cyborg upgrades, I'm sure he wouldn't mind you picking out a nice new suit for him, especially if he knew how hard you worked to earn that flaming ninja skin. Here are the top five rarest skins for everyone's favorite ninja DPS from Overwatch.
Top 5 Rarest Genji Skins in Overwatch
5. Overwatch League Gray
While this isn't the rarest skin in the inventory, it deserves a special mention, being that it requires a dedicated fan of the series to actually go on Twitch and cheer on the main channel. To get it requires roughly 2600 bits (Twitches currency) equal to roughly $25.
4. Overwatch Anniversary Skin
If you've ever wanted to roleplay as the green Power Ranger, then this is the skin for you. Originally given out in 2017 as part of the Overwatch Anniversary, Genji's cool green suit immediately stands out among all the rest, with its bright neon green and over-the-top headpiece. Just a really cool, unique outfit that is sadly relegated to the yearly anniversary skins loot boxes.
3. Lunar New Year
Released during the 2017 Chinese New Year, and only unlockable through the Lunar New Year loot boxes, this badass-looking sword, and armor design makes Genji look like a ghostly Mongolian warrior. With a dark silver and blue design, highlighted by neon blue, it's sure to stand out in any multiplayer lobby.
2. Summer Games Skin
As with every, Blizzard graced the Overwatch fandom with cool summer-themed cosmetics, coming out of special Summer Games loot boxes, and Genji was given his during the 2019 Summer games. While not necessarily badass, the Kendo look is pretty unique in its own right, and can be acquired every summer through the themed loot boxes.
1. Pacific All Stars 2018
Available for only a week every year, the All-Stars skins are the most sought-after skins in the whole game, with Genji's famous flaming outfit being of particular note, and a sure standout in any lobby. To get them, you need to earn League Tokens by simply watching competitive overwatch games, with you receiving 5 overwatch tokens per hour of viewing. Still, this unorthodox way of getting tokens means that it is quite a niche skin by default.