Valorant Patch 7.04: All Agent Changes

Valorant Patch 7.04 drops in less than a week with changes to 11 Agents, including a major nerf to Jett.
Ahead of Valorant Episode 7 Act 2, Riot Games released an early version of the upcoming patch notes that reveal a slew of changes to over half the Agents in Valorant. The changes "are sharply focused on increasing game slate clarity." As fans await the return of Breeze and new map Sunset, they must be prepared for all the nerfs coming to their favorite Agents.
Here's a breakdown of all the Agent changes coming in Valorant Episode 7 Act 2.
We're making changes to 11 Agents to help boost game clarity, arriving with Patch 7.04 at the start of Episode 7 Act 2. The complete Patch Notes will go up next week—here's your preview:
— VALORANT (@VALORANT) August 24, 2023
Valorant Patch 7.04: All Agent Changes
Check out all the Agent changes in Valorant Patch 7.04, per Riot Games.
- Aftershock (C): Ticks reduced from 3 to 2 and damage increased from 60 per tick to 80.
- Rolling Thunder (X): Ultimate points increased from 8 to 9.
- Orbital Strike (X): Ultimate points increased 7 to 8.
- Prowler (C): Time to re-equip gun takes slightly longer after using the ability.
- Most Pit (C): The impacted area does 10 damage per second before exploding.
- Wingman (Q): HP reduced from 100 to 80.
- Thrash (X): Thrash's explosion had a little makeover to make it easier to see and understand the area it has affected (on top of being beautiful).
- Lockdown (X): Ultimate points increased from 8 to 9.
- Paranoia (Q): No movement velocity imparted when casting.
- Guiding Light (E): Max duration while casting reduced from 2.5s to 2s.
- Trailblazer (Q): HP reduced from 100 to 80.
- Seekers (X): Ultimate points increased from 7 to 8 and Seeker Health decreased from 150 to 120.
- Recon Bolt (E): Total number of scans reduced from 3 to 2.
- Viper's Pit (X): Ultimate points increased from 8 to 9.
- Gravity Well (C): Startup time increased from .6 to 1.25 and Gravity time duration decreased from 2.75 to 2.0.
- Nova Pulse (Q): Startup time decreased from 1.25 to 1.0.
- Cosmic Divide (X): Audio now is blocked completely by the wall rather than muffled.
- Tailwind (E): Dash window decreased from 12s to 7.5s and activation windup increased from 0.75s to 1s.
- Cloudburst (C): Duration decreased from 4.5s to 2.5s and time to re-equip gun takes slightly longer after using the ability.
- Updraft (Q): Charges decreased from 2 to 1.
- Blade Storm (X): Ultimate points increased from 7 to 8.