Warzone Juggernaut Strategy: How to Take Them Down
By Chaz Frazer

Warzone's Juggernaut Royale Trios strategy to keep your teams' Juggernaut alive and take care of the walking tank if it falls into the hands of the enemy is detailed here. Already received with tons of positive reception by fans, the new limited time mode is a fresh take on the Warzone map and packed full of out of control moments.
Juggernaut Royale Trios sees one supply drop fall to the map and is pinged for all players to see. Teams will have to fight over the supply drop, so getting your hands on it will be no easy task. Once a team has control of the Juggernaut, they can go on an absolute rampage, mowing down enemies with ease as well as vehicles. Over time, more Juggernaut suits will drop on the map, so if you don't get the first one don't worry too much.
Juggernaut Royale Trios Strategy: Protect Your Juggernaut
Protecting your teams' Juggernaut is as simple and at the same time a complicated affair. Some serious strategy will have to come into play to avoid being ambushed by multiple teams seemingly becoming allies to take down one guy. One way to set your team up for success is to complete recon contracts as soon as possible, in order to gain insight into the subsequent circles and where they will close. The closer to the final circle your team is early, the easier it will be to hold down the fort since the Juggernaut is mobile-challenged to say the least.
Consider having one teammate drop on a helicopter while the other two loot, locate and begin the recon contracts while flying from one location to the next. Once the Juggernaut drops you also have the advantage of being able to fly to the supply crate and taking it before other players do the same.
Juggernaut Royale Trios Strategy: Eliminating Enemy Juggernauts
Taking down a Juggernaut is no easy task. These monsters essentially have the equivilency of around 4000 health. Pumping a Juggernaut full of damage safely is difficult, but with some new additions to the game such as the new Rytec AMR Sniper Rifle with explosive or thermite rounds will work wonders. Direct hits with explosive tip crossbows, and RPGs is also quite a good look. In any case, Juggernauts do not regenerate any damage taken, so any little bit always counts.
If looking to take down an enemy team Juggernaut, your best bet is to initially do so from a damage while keeping an eye out for its teammates. having someone from the team flank the non-Juggernaut enemy teammates and taking them out by surprise will let your team focus entirely on the task at hand. Lethal score streaks such as Precision Airstrikes and Cluster Strikes also work wonders.
Good luck on the race to that Juggernaut crate!