Warzone Pistol Tier List July 2020
By Chaz Frazer

Warzone Pistol tier list for July 2020 is being updated to reflect the state of the game and change in meta. While Pistols are still largely relegated to fluff and starting weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, there are a few that stand out immensely and specific builds that will definitely save you a trip to the Gulag when playing Warzone.
A recent meta shift saw the fall of the Akimbo .357 Snake Shot and the rise of the Akimbo Renetti. The Renettis were subsequently nerfed almost immediately, but still are extremely powerful at close range with the burst mod equipped. Although nerfed, the Renettis absolutely shred a player’s armor and base health, and they are still extremely powerful while reigning supreme on this list. We’ll be breaking down why below, alongside stats and guides for each individual weapon.
Still gone are the days of finesse and dancing in the Gulag (currently the meta is Sniper Rifles in the showers), but you can still show off your hand cannon skills in certain respects when dropping in Warzone.
S Tier
Not as strong due to the new meta of Grau/MP5, Kilo/FAL, or Grau/HDR, These monsters will absolutely decimate at close range, and are even more powerful than some full auto assault rifles and submachine guns at extreme close range. That being said, that is exactly where they shine, and only where. Don’t try to take these into any mid-range engagements, and watch your ammo cause you’ll burn through them extremely quickly.
A Tier
.357 Revolver
An asterisk is needed when talking about these weapons, as with the snake shot ammo conversion they are still very strong, but without is relative garbage, and the worst gun in the game hands down. Our former king with the Akimbo attachment unlocked as well, these bad boys were knocked off by the nerf to its damage range, spread and handling. Still deadly at close range, you’ll find more flexibility with the Akimbo Renettis when up close and personal.
Desert Eagle (.50 Cal)
Still packing a hand cannon in any universe, the .50 cal, also known as the Desert Eagle, will decimate with well placed shots to the upper torso and head. The handling and recoil makes them difficult to use, but finishing off someone with this Robocop arm launcher is so satisfying.
B Tier
With excellent handling, recoil patterns, and rate of fire, the 1911 is an excellent secondary to have - in Multiplayer. Unfortunately this weapon isn’t enough of a threat to do much of anything in Warzone, and should be kept to when playing casual matches of Domination or TDM.
Very similar to the 1911, the M19 has an upside in that it shares specialized rounds with some of the SMGs in the game. Running the Fully Loaded weapon perk on the handgun will ensure that weapons such as the Fennec have extra starting ammo in its magazine pool, benefitting you greatly.
C Tier
The desperation weapon of choice, Warzone introduced the meta of having a starting weapon, and by now everyone should have a maxed out X16 in their arsenal from dropping into Verdansk and murdering someone in a desperation match on top of a roof that resembles a Gulag showdown. Please drop this weapon immediately once you find literally - anything - else.