What Beats Persian in Pokemon GO: Best Persian Counters
By Jack O'Dwyer

Pokemon GO trainers are looking for a comprehensive answer on what Pokemon beats Persian.
Team GO Rocket boss Giovanni is back—and he's got yet another legendary bird on his team. Trainers who seek him out have the opportunity to fight and capture Ho-Oh, the "Rainbow" Pokemon. However, before they can start attempting to catch this fire and flying-type, trainers will need to work their way through Giovanni's team. As always, he has his faithful partner, Persian, at his side.
Here's how to take it down.
Trainers, Falinks will be removed from three-star raids for the duration of this event due to a bug causing it to appear distorted. Falinks can still be encountered in Field Research, and will appear more frequently in the wild.
— Niantic Support (@NianticHelp) August 20, 2021
What Beats Persian in Pokemon GO?
Since Team Rocket originated in the Kanto region, Giovanni has a Kanton Persian on his team. This Persian, also known as the "Classy Cat" Pokemon, is a pure normal-type, and therefore has a significant weakness to fighting types. Additionally, it has a hard time damaging rock and steel-types.
It has the following stats on average:
- Max. CP: 1910
- Max. HP: 149
- Attack: 150
- Defense: 136
- Stamina: 163
Given the information we have about its typing, the top counter for Persian is Lucario. This Pokemon is a dual fighting and steel-type—meaning it can dish out massive damage to Persian without receiving that much back. The best moveset to use against Persian, however, should remain fighting-based, as it does not have a vulnerability to steel. Lucario's best moveset here contains the quick move Counter and the charged move Aura Sphere.
Other notable counters are fighting types, as well, such as:
- Conkeldurr (Counter + Dynamic Punch)
- Machamp (Counter + Dynamic Punch)
- Breloom (Counter + Dynamic Punch)
- Blaziken (Counter + Focus Blast)
- Mega Lopunny (Counter + Focus Blast)
- Sirfetch'd (Counter + Close Combat)
It should be noted that while Dynamic Punch is primarily listed, Focus Blast and Close Combat are fair alternatives in a pinch. After Persian, Giovanni has a pool of 3 additional Pokemon before trainers face Ho-Oh. There's no need to be worried—we've also compiled a full list of counters for them, too.