What is a Blood Moon in V Rising?
By Jack O'Dwyer
We’ve put together a guide on the Blood Moon random event in V Rising.
Continuing with the gothic, blood-filled motif commonly found in Vampire media, V Rising has its own take on the Blood Moon phenomenon that has appeared across countless titles in the past. This time, the Blood Moon has less to do with enemies charging toward the base at full pelt while buffed to the nines and more to do with the player being at full power for the next 15 in-game hours.
Here’s what you need to know about the Blood Moon.
V Rising Blood Moon Explained
A Blood Moon is a random event in V Rising that boosts player stats from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. that night. Players will be alerted to the presence of a Blood Moon by the color change of the clock at the top right of the screen. On the day of a Blood Moon, it will turn from blue to red, and its effects will take place once nightfalls.
Unlike similar occurrences, the Blood Moon in V Rising purely affects the player’s stats by boosting the effects of their current Blood Type by 20%. They also receive a 10% increase to movement speed and another 20% boost to their damage.
It’s recommended that players take the most advantage of Blood Moons when they occur by using them to take down previously difficult V Blood encounters or destroy entire settlements to gather resources. Blood Type plays a major role, here, so act accordingly.