What Types of CC Count as 'Immobilize' in League of Legends?

What types of CC count as immobilize in League of Legends?
What types of CC count as immobilize in League of Legends? / Photo courtesy of Riot Games

What types of CC count as immobilize in League of Legends? Crowd Control is one of the key abilities and styles of most champions in any MOBA. These types of games have usually two types of abilities, movement and CC.

Both provide the most team-based use as one gives players mobility and one gives them a stun. But what counts as an actual immobilization? There are dozens of different types of CC, but not all of them count as immobilizing.

What Types of CC Count as 'Immobilize' in League of Legends?

With hundreds of champions in the game, Riot Games has created multiple styles of CC, but not all of them completely immobilize an enemy. Take Morgana for instance, her binding captures an enemy player in a specific spot for a short time, but they can still attack or use abilities themselves.

Abilities that ground, silence, blind, slow movement, attack speed, and reduce sight, don't count. Things like a stun or knock up which completely prohibits the enemy player from doing anything is the best type of CC.