When Will Call of Duty be on Nintendo Switch?

Call of Duty will be heading to Nintendo consoles as part of a new deal with Microsoft, but when will the franchise come to the Nintendo Switch?
Last week, Microsoft announced that they had signed a binding 10-year contract with Nintendo to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo players the same day as Xbox. As part of the deal, Nintendo players will be able to enjoy Call of Duty "just as Xbox and PlayStation gamers enjoy Call of Duty.”
The news came as a welcome surprise for CoD fans, as the last release to hit Nintendo consoles was Call of Duty: Ghosts for the Wii U back in 2013. Since then Call of Duty titles, including popular free-to-play battle royale Warzone, have remained absent from the platform.
So, with this new deal in place, when can we expect to see Call of Duty return to Nintendo consoles and, more specifically, the Nintendo Switch?
Microsoft has signed a 10 year contract to bring ‘CALL OF DUTY’ to Nintendo platforms on the same day as they release on Xbox. pic.twitter.com/UvuwqO0dNg
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) February 21, 2023
When Will Call of Duty be on Nintendo Switch?
Microsoft hasn't revealed if there are any plans to bring the already released titles over to the Nintendo Switch, such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or Warzone 2. That said, the latter is probably more likely to receive a port.
As for the future of the franchise, should Activision release its rumored Call of Duty 2024 then Nintendo players could likely expect to see it head to the Nintendo Switch.
At the time of writing, however, no definitive plans have been revealed by Activision, or Nintendo, on which Call of Duty title will be the first to mark the franchise's return to Nintendo consoles.