Where to Find the Ancestral Spirit's Horn in Elden Ring

Elden Ring's Ancestral Spirit's Horn is something that many players are wondering how to find at the moment, especially considering that the title continues to be one of the most popular and well-regarded out there.
Elden Ring features a huge variety of Talismans that offer players some extra perks to aid their combat. Some effects are simple, others more unique. Whichever Talisman you're after, you usually need to be prepared to put in some work to get them. Some can be found, and others you'll need to take down a particular enemy in order to earn its rewards.
The Ancestral Spirit's Horn is a Talisman that is an especially great get for spell slingers as whenever you kill an enemy, it restores three Focus Points (FP) — an energy resource that fuels Spells and Skills. Here's a breakdown of how to find the Ancestral Spirit's Horn Talisman and add it to your arsenal in Elden Ring.
You are the hope of the Golden Order, Tarnished. Your choices will shape the future of all who dwell in the shadow of the Erdtree.#ELDENRING pic.twitter.com/dTp3UC7Q7k
— ELDEN RING (@ELDENRING) March 11, 2022
How to Get to the Ancestral Spirit's Horn Location
First off, it's important to note that the Ancestral Spirit's Horn can only be obtained by trading with the Finger Reader herself, Enia, at Roundtable Hold.
Roundtable Hold, of course, is a location that Melina takes you to, and can only be accessed via fast travel.
In order to get the Ancestral Spirit's Horn from Enia, you'll have to hand over a Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor, which is obtained as a reward for defeating the Regal Ancestor Spirit optional boss found in an isolated arena at Nokron, Eternal City.
To recap, defeating the Regal Ancestor Spirit and handing over the obtained Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor to Enia will allow players to get the Ancestral Spirit's Horn.
For more on Elden Ring, feel free to check out some of our Weapon guides, such as where to find the Regalia of Eochaid or the Treespear.