Where to Find the Companion With a Bomber Jacket and Gold Chain in Stray
By Jack O'Dwyer

Some players in Stray are wondering where they can find the Companion NPC who wears a bomber jacket and a gold chain.
After meeting with Clementine, she will tell players about a contact of hers that can help them get into the Neco Factory without being noticed. This contact is waiting nearby and, according to her, wears a brown leather bomber jacket and a gold chain around his neck. To continue with the quest, players will need to find him and prepare to go undercover inside the factory.
Here's where to find the NPC.
— Iosef Lilianovich Dros (@TheDeserter92) July 19, 2022
Where to Find the Companion With a Bomber Jacket and Gold Chain in Stray
Players can find him waiting for them at the last threshold of the alley across the street from the Nightclub. This is the second alley players cross when heading into Midtown from the elevator, right next to the fashion/clothing shop on Shop Street.
To find him, continue all the way down the alley until it intersects with another corridor. The Companion should be waiting there, nonchalantly reading a newspaper. If interacted with before this quest, he will tell the player to leave him alone. However, now that they're working with Clementine, he'll be a bit friendlier.
This Companion's name is Blazer.
Unfortunately, in order to sneak you into the factory, you'll have to help him get into a convincing disguise. This requires two parts: a worker's vest and worker's helmet. We've written up both guides to these items on our website.
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