WoW TBC Classic Enchanting Guide

Enchanting in WoW TBC Classic is one of the most important professions, allowing for powerful stat bonuses to be applied to player's weapons.
It's important to note that the newly added Blood Elves have +10 to their base Enchanting skill thanks to their Arcane Affinity passive. This means that recipes stay orange for 10 more points, and crafting something with an orange difficulty will always result in a skill-up.
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— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) June 1, 2021
Before heading through the Dark Portal, get caught up in 90 seconds.#BurningCrusade
WoW TBC Classic Enchanting Guide
To start, you must head to your faction's respective enchanting trainer in Outland to get your max enchanting from Classic Wow's cap of 300, to the new cap of 375.
For Alliance, Johan Barnes is located at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula. Johan is located on the second level of the Wizard's Tower that lies on the cliff.
COORDINATES: 53.6 66.0
For Horde, Felannia is located at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula. Felannia is tucked under the stairs on the second floor of the tower that rests on the cliff.
COORDINATES: 52.2 36.0
How to Enchant Items
Just like in Classic, Enchanters must enchant the items directly. If you are an Enchanter who wants to enchant an other player's item, the other player can hand you the item through the "Will Not Be Traded" tab in the trade window, and it can be done there.
New expansion means new profession items, and TBC comes equipped with three new rods for Enchanting. You must have these rods in your inventory for the Enchants to work.
Enchanting Materials
Runed Fel Iron Rod - an enchanted version of a Blacksmith's Fel Iron Rod, used to enchant items in the 290-350 range.
Runed Adamantite Rod - an enchanted version of a Blacksmith's Adamantite Rod, used to enchant items above 350.
Runed Eternium Rod - an enchanted version of a Blacksmith's Eternium Rod, used for some enchants at 375.
As an Enchanter, any piece of gear can be disenchanted. A crafting material is granted depending on the rarity of the disenchanted item. The crafting materials gained from disenchanting are essential for enchanting.
Green Items - Items with a green rarity will always drop 5 Arcane Dust, as well as a chance to get Lesser Planar Essence or Greater Planar Essence. Greens are obtained from most quest rewards, as well as BoE's or Bind on Equip items found from random mob drops.
Blue Items - Items with a blue rarity will drop Small Prismatic Shards, and sometimes Large Prismatic Shards. Blues are obtained from more challenging quests, or at the end of long quest chains. Blues can also be found from dungeon bosses, and even as a BoE from any random mob if you're lucky.
Purple Items - While its not often you will be disenchanting these, the player is given a Void Crystal for disenchanting a purple. You will only be disenchanting purples if an item you receive is better than the raid items from raiding in Classic. Purples are found in raids, at the end of some dungeons, and if you are incredibly lucky - as a BoE from mobs out in the world.
The only other place you would need to get materials for enchanting are farmed from elemental Primals, granting important items like Primal Fire or Primal Might. Nagrand has lots of elementals.