WS-38220-5 Overwatch: How to Fix the Error Code

WS-38220-5 Overwatch giving you problems?
WS-38220-5 Overwatch giving you problems? / Photo by Blizzard Entertainment

WS-38220-5 Overwatch might be giving you problems if you're on PS4. It's actually not specific to Overwatch, but for the Playstation Network. Luckily, there's an easy fix.

WS-38220-5 will cause your game to suffer a variety of issues, like crashing, slowdowns and trouble connecting to online servers.

On Overwatch, it most likely will prevent your from connecting or appearing online. This error code appears for PS4 players, and likely is a network problem. You shouldn't have issues loading the game up, but you won't be able to play the game online.

WS-38220-5 Overwatch: How to Fix the Error Code

It can be caused by faulty files or drivers, but the primary issue on PS4 is an IP address error. Reconfiguring your network settings should solve the problem quickly.

To fix this issue on PS4, go to your Networks settings and reconfigure your connection. You should manually punch in your IP address. Set the rest to automatic.

If that doesn't work, reset your router and do the previous step again.

If that still doesn't fix it, you can manually assign the DNS to Google's public ones. Set the primary to and the secondary to Go through the rest of the settings and that should solve your problem.